flower Structure


    Flowers are colorful things on earth. Flowers are one of the beautiful gifts given by the nature. Flowers enhance the beauty of the nature. When we see the flowers our eyes become calm and when we smell it our mind become activate and feel free. No one is in the earth who are not attracted by the flowers.  So these flowers are very important in our daily life.

We are using flowers in our day today life for decoration, worshipping god, medicine and essential oil extraction for perfumery agents .

    In biological way these flowers are the reproductive structures in plants especially in angiosperms. In plant where the flower occurs are called inflorescence. The flowers are colorful and aromatic in nature because to attract the flays, bees and birds etc., for the pollination. Usually the flowers are different in size , shapes and color.

    In botanical way in some families flowers are unisexual like male flowers and female flowers, but most of the families are bisexual. Below we see the structural organization of the flower

    The flower can be divided in to two parts one is vegetative part like petiole, petals  and sepals, this is also called perianth  and the reproductive parts like androecium and gynoecium . these are arranged in different whorls or layers 

    The perianth is the outer most protective and attractive layer. Some times the perianth we can not differentiate because the petals and sepals are in same color and same types of arrangement,  it can be seen in monocot plants but in dicot plants petals and sepals are different in color and we can be easily differentiated. 


    Calyx commonly called sepals and it is the outer most layer of the perianth, it is small compare to petals and usually  green in color. It protect the flower bud before it opens. The calyx may be fused called gamosepalous or separate called polysepalous. In some family the calyx are modified in to hairy structure called pappus. 

gamosepalous flower bud


polypetalous flower

    Corolla is also called as petals and it is the second layer or whorl of perianth. Petals are usually large and distinctive and appears in different colors.  some of the flowers produces unice aroma or scent because of the presence of essential oil for example flowers like lavender, rose tuberose jasmine etc., This color and aroma will attract the insects and helps for the pollination.  This corolla may be polypetalous or gamopetalous.

gamopetalous flower


        Androecium is the third whorl and consist of stamens or microsporophylls.  stamens are consist of three parts they are anther, filaments and connective. The anther have anther lobes  in this lobes pollen sacs or microsporangia are present where pollen grains or microspores  are produces.  


structure of gynoecium 
with ovary 
Gynoecium are the last whorl and it is also called pistil and it consist of one or more carples or megasporophylls  each carpels has basal ovary containing ovules and middle tubular style and above this rounded or lobed stigma.

     In flowers androecium and gynoecium are very important reproductive whorl. In some plants produces unisexual flowers that means male have androecium only and female flowers are have gynoecium only example in cucurbita family. In bi sexual flower has both androecium and gynoecium
pumpkin male and female flowers


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